Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crunch Time

I'm in the home stretch of the end of the semester, which ends of May 15th.

I have the following standing in my way:
  • a 5 - 8 page Philosophy paper
  • a 6 page paper on Othello
  • 90 more pages of a novel
  • a chapter review assignment
  • designing a web page
  • a Computer Science test
  • a Sociology paper
And then, the following exams:
  • Computer Science final
  • English Literature essay final
  • Philosophy essay final
  • Writing Proficiency Exam
Two weeks. Just a little over two weeks. I can do this.

I honestly can't believe that my Freshman year of college is practically over... I feel like I've grown a lot this year, and with all the things that are coming up soon, I feel very optimistic that that growth will continue throughout the summer and next year. It's just strange to think that I'll be done my first year and turning twenty soon; I feel like I just moved in!

How time flys when you're having fun. ;-)

1 comment:

Kristina Clemens said...

WOW!! Your post brought back so many college Freshman year memories! Such fun times....=)
Kristina J.