Monday, August 25, 2008

Leaving Home

I leave for college in 3 days... Oh. My. Goodness.

I really don't think it's hit me yet. Like, packing is a HUGE indication that I'm leaving home, don't get me wrong, but it still doesn't seem final. It's like, "Oh, I'm going off to school" but it just hasn't hit me that I'll be on my own and in COLLEGE. Wow.

Not that I'm not excited, either. It's just crazy to think of how big a change this is.

I still have a lot to do. I need to pack about 60% of my stuff still, plus tie up some loose ends with things around home. Trying to clean my room up, as well, so my mother doesn't have to deal with the pigsty while I'm away.

Luckily, I think my room mate will work out really great. Technically, I share the room with three girls, but there's two of us to each bedroom. I've talked to my official room mate quite a few times, and she seems really excited to meet me. She also loves shopping, and I think we listen to a lot of the same music. I can't wait to meet her, either. :)

Ah! New York! I just can't wait. I mean, anxiety and all aside, it will be awesome. I can't doubt that.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Form of Diary

I've been meaning to create a blog for a while now. I actually used to keep a diary, one with a little lock and everything. I wrote in it everyday, and upon finding it again, it made me laugh to read the silly little things I wrote about in there.

But now I'm going into my Freshman year of college, and I figured, why not have that same opportunity? To see exactly what I was thinking, doing, contemplating when I look back at this 10 years from now?

Since I don't always have time to sit down with a notebook everyday, an online blog works out perfectly. I mean, technology is taking over our lives, and I will admit that I spend too much time online.

This is where it will start. This is just a basic introduction sort of post. Much more will come.