Monday, September 1, 2008

Best time of my life?

It's crazy how your perceptions of things can change so quickly. And how something can turn your world upside down in a split second.

Let's just say I'm not feeling so great.

I moved in to college last Thursday, and the move in was unexpectedly easier than I had imagined. It didn't take long at all to set things up, figure out how to organize everything, get a feel for where I live. I even took the train into NYC on Saturday, all by myself, for the first time, which was a little nerve wracking, and managed to make it there and back without harm.

But overall, I don't know how I feel about being here yet. I mean, maybe it will change once classes start, which happens tomorrow by the way, but I just feel out of place. Here's why:

1. Practically everyone on campus drinks/smokes. Now, smoking is one thing which I can usually tolerate. But I am definitely not the type of person who wants to go out every single night and get drunk. I don't even drink at all in the first place. So this makes it a little difficult to meet new people when my ENTIRE building is gone at night to the local brew.

2. My room mates are rather different than I am. Which is fine. Of course, I wasn't expecting us to be exactly alike, and we've been getting along just fine. But there is something about living in the same room and vicinity with people that kind of drives me crazy. I like time to myself, and I think I'm starting to feel cramped already. Let's pray that this goes away.

3. I really miss home. I never thought it'd be this bad, actually. I was so excited to come, but now that I've been here for a little while, it feels like a vacation that is just going to end soon... and it's not. Like, when I talk to my mom on the phone, I almost want to burst out in tears. It's an odd feeling, to say the least.

4. I'm an introverted person. I like doing things by myself, I have my habits, and I can feel independent when I'm on my own doing things. So, going to dinner with my 3 room mates every night is fine, but it's something I have to get used to. I'm sure this will be easier once classes start though, since we won't all feel like we need to be attached at the hip anymore.

I guess that's enough ranting out of me on that subject.

The other thing about living here right now is that there are quite a few things I had forgotten to bring with me. Therefore, I'm waiting on a large package from my mother, which should arrive on Wednesday, that has some more items for my dorm in it. Hopefully, these will help this place feel more like home. Even though it definitely won't be the same.

Anyway, classes start tomorrow. My first is Writing Studies & Composition I at 8 AM, which might be a hassle to get my butt to. Then I have to attend the New Student Convocation for all freshmen at 11:15, which means my How Writers Break the Rules-And Why class is canceled for tomorrow. Then I have my literature class at some point- the exact time escapes me at this moment.

So, hopefully I fall into a routine of sorts and college will get more interesting. Hopefully there is more to some of these people than just drinking and partying. We'll just have to see.